超值推薦-Managing Bar and Beverage Operations網友評鑑4.5顆星站長最近閱讀過 感覺很實用 在此推薦給您 博客來考試用書-職訓檢定分類優質好書想看更多有關[Managing Bar and Beverage Operations]的閱讀心得嗎? 點圖即可看詳細介紹 |
Future managers gain a thorough understanding of how to deliver the responsible alcohol service demanded in today's society. Students also see how to balance marketing and control objectives, effectively plan the business, and select and train employees.
Students will understand:
.How bar and beverage operations qualify as production, marketing and service operations
.Legal concerns and responsibilities regarding alcohol service
.Primary control systems needed in bar and beverage operations
.The importance of product knowledge to successful bar and beverage operation management.