
The Laws and Regulations of Bank Internal Control and Audit

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      Banks are businesses that deal in the giving and receiving of credit. Their credibility is hard to build up yet can be ruined in a trice. Their survival and development must, of course, depend on the continuous growth of their business in pursuit of creating profit. But if neglect of internal control results in malpractice and depletion of assets, the fruit of all their effort will be reduced to nothing all at once.

      To help financial institutions ensure the soundness of their internal control, and most rapidly obtain all the information needed to take the requisite internal control and audit test. Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) has specially arranged for the compilation in this book of all related laws and regulations translated into English. We trust that this book will serve not only as a helpful tool for test preparation, but also as a valuable source of reference and instruction for all bank officers in their day-to-day work.

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